Young minds – fighting for young people’s mental health

YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity, championing mental health and wellbeing for children and young people. Driven by their experience, YoungMinds creates change so that children and young people can cope with life’s adversities, find help when needed, and succeed in life.

Mind – For better mental health

No one should have to face a mental health problem alone. Mind supports millions of people every year through their helpline, information services and online communities. Mind also have a network of local Minds, providing face-to-face services tailored to communities across England and Wales.

Heads together – creating conversation around mental health

Heads Together is a little like ourselves and has provided us with much inspiration to make a difference. This mental health initiative is spearheaded by The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, which combines a campaign to tackle stigma and change the conversation on mental health with fundraising for a series of innovative new mental health services.

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